Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

wonderful place


Hello my friendsss!!!, I’m sorry I share  my next post right now. My job is full everyday and I don’t know what want I tell in my blog. But, now I want tell you something. This is a wonderful place. Maybe the place that you didn’t know before. I believe this place is not very popular but the view is like in the Europe or other countries. Do you want to know where and what the place that I mean? , And the place what I mean is JEPARAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!, Maybe most of you never come and never know, what and where Jepara. So, now I wil make you know and interest to come Jeparaa. But now I tell what is Jepara first. Jepara is one of big city in the Central Java Province. Jepara is popular because the princess of their city Yeaahh her is Raden Ajeng Kartini. Not only about the princess but Jepara is popular with the wood is very nice and very strong.
hat’s the news flash about Jepara but I don’t want to tell you about Jepara but I will tell you about one of wonderful place in Jepara. That one place there are water, turtle, statue, people, sand, car and other things in that place. Can you guess what I mean about that place???????? It is can lake, it is can museum of car, it is can everything what you guess. Okay now I will tell you about what is it. Yeahhhhhhhh that’s it coast. And do you want to know the name of the coast? The name of the coast is the popular name in Jepaara. I have told about that in the first paragraph of this post. The name of this coast is………………………. KARTINI’S COAST. I think this coast’s name is dedicated for all things that Kartini has given to us.

The coast is very nice and it looks like the lake or the sea in the Australia, the water is very fresh and cold. I know the water is cold but its make me want to try the water. Because I like the water and it is really really wawww to refresh your body and brain. And on the kartini’s coast there is a statue of turltle. But the special part the statue is more than 10 meters. It is huge and tall statue. I don’t know why my handphone is enough to capture tha very big and tall statue. I take a picture with my family in front of the statue. AND THIS ISS THE PICTUREEEE

I think one picture for very big statue and wonderful isn’t enough. So, I take a one picture again with my familyyy. And 1 2 3……………………………………………………

I learned many story and many history abou Jepara and about turtles statue. I think Im have fun with the place and not only good of the view but the place wil long lasting. So, treat the place with you ability like you don’t trash the rubbish in other place. I hav a quotes to close my post for today. “if you need it right now, you must make big effort to treat the coast.

Minggu, 27 September 2015



Hiiiiiii my friend I am back and now I want to tell you about my school art festival's "Gamarvani". and i am a comittee in gamarvani. and i hope you will interesting about my story in GAMARVANI . Gamarvani Let’s start for the story.

Before I tell you about what did I do in gamarvani, I want to tell you about history in gamarvani. The name of Gamarvani was from Sansekerta language there is two words, gama and parvani. Gama means moon and Parvani means the journey. So Gamarvani means The journey to the moon. Gamarvani was took from Legend story  Nyi Anteh. I never heard before. But, when I joined in comitee Gamarvani. I knew one of the best Legend story. The story about Nyi Anteh was very interesting. If you want to know the story you can search in google or official account gamarvani. Honestly, I want to tell you about Nyi Anteh story in here but my experience will be interesting than the story of Nyi Anteh J.

And know We start about my experience in gamarvani. My experience in gamarvani start from Open recruitmen comitee for 3’2018 and 3’2017 and I choosed a field division because I liked work in direct contact and I knew the Coordinator. That’s why I choosed field division. Before the day on 19th September 2015, My friends and I helped Gamarvani in funds problem with many method. The first method was My friends and I searched the food festival to come Gamarvani and sell many product. It was new experience for me but that was nice experience for me and my friends. The second method was DTD or ( Door To Door ), Door to Door method was method that I must came to my friend parent’s home to socialiazition and promotion about Gamarvani. And the thirx method was I collected money from my friends who are comitee to helped Gamarvani. The last method I promoted gamarvani to my other friends with the ticket and my profile pict in social media

  After you know about my job before the day and know I will tell you about the amazing day Gamarvani.

19th of September at 5 a.m o clock I have arrived at bali field with the gamarvani’s clothe and name tag. I was very proud when I used the clothe and nametag because I was a comitee one of the best art festival in Bandung. And when I looked the decoration for the stage. WOWWW It was very wonderful!! Art,culture and modern are presented in stage. And one the best thing in gamarvani, there was a LED screen and it supported the show and make the show was very amazing. And that the cause why gamarvani is different with other art festival school.
First step what I did in gamarvani,joined a parade with my other friends. We walked from Bali Field to Sumatera street until back to Bali Field. That was very nice journey because spirit from my friend was never die. Everyone had a spirit until parade time  finished.

After parade finished, I was given a job from my Coordinator and my job was stand  by at the in front of stage until the show was finished. It was very tired because I stand up from 12.15 until 22.00. WOWWWW!! for about 10 hours I stand up at the infront of the stage but I didnt feel very tired because my friends always gave me a spirit until my job was finished. 

In Gamarvani I didnt always work  but sometimes I met my old friend in Junior High School or in Elementary school and we tell story about our school now. And if I didn’t work I enjoyed the foodstand and foodtruck in gamarvani. There is 17 foodstand and many foodtruck in gamarvani like Roti Gempol,LOL, Bite box, Kabut Salju and many more.

And I enjoyed with the show from art like Reak, Arumba Acoustic, wayang golek and many more. And in Gamarvani there is extraculicullar in 3 SHS there was LSS 3, Band 3, Keluarga Paduan Angklung(KPA 3). KV 3, Music Classic 3 ,Tiloes Teater and Collaboration extraculicullar between KPA, KV, LSS, and Music Classic.

          Not only cultural show and extraculicullar but Gamarvani showed the guest star and this guest star was very famous and the song is very nice. YEAHH There was ADERAAAAAA!!!!!!!, but not only him but gamarvani also showed the second gues starr yeahhhh that was HIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Hivi is very very popular and the song never bored and always make all people sad, happy, and comfortable with them songs.

          My favourite song is “Siapkah Kau tuk jatuh cinta lagi”. That song is from Hiv!. I really like that because the music is very nice to hear and the lyric is very similar with my heart. So, I never stopped sing when hivi showed that song. Oooppss!, Iwill Tell you about Hivi and adera at the end this post for the surprise.

And know I will tell you about my new and best experience before the guest star are showed. First , my new experience was I used a Walkie talkie and I was very proud to used that because I never touched walkie talkie before. I know that was like very rube person but that am I. And my second new experience was I protected the guest star from the audience and I very enjoyed the job because that my new and best experience.

          And the last my best of the best experience was I could make everyone look me because I stand infront of stageJ. That was very proud moment for me cause me looked like amazing,strong and brave with the walkie talkie. I never forgot that moment in Gamarvani.

          And this is the last paragraph in this post and know Iwill tel you about the guest star yeahhh adera and hiviii J))))). The first guest star is Adera. Adera sang a many song like Lebih Indah,shake it off, a thousand years and many more. I have waited the guest star from morning until 7.30 p.m . And the show from Adera made my brain is refresh. That is very wonderfulllll!!!!!!!!!!!!.  From the song, the stage and the artist is very completely. And 40k rupiahs for the ticket was enough for the show from Adera.

            But not only adera made me happy and amazing but Hivi did too. Hivi was moreee moreeee wonderful, moreee moreeee make audience are satisfied andd more morreeeeeee makeee the stagee was different with the amazing hivi's songs. And my favourite song is sang by hivi and that made me moree more love that songgg:). and the last song from hivi that collaboration of the amazing stage and wonderful artist and I thought that the show like One direction Concert :)))))))))). 

          The story about adera and hivi closed gamarvani and this post. Thank you for your attention . I hope you will always enjoy my post in this blog. see you againn friends Good byee:)))

Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015

Conversation with Compliment

Hello everybody, now I want share my third post in this blog. But, in this post will different with another post I've shared. Yeahhh I will share my conversation with my classmate. His name is Galih Hariyuna Yomandha. He is a Vice Leader of my class. And now let we start the conversation

Galih     : Hi, Farras! How's your doing?

Farras    : I'm doing great! What about you?

Galih     : Never better. By the way, how was your activity during the weekend? Do you go to somewhere? or any interesting story, perhaps?

Farras    : Unfortunately, I didn't go anywhere nor interesting story. I just stayed at home. It's quite boring, I've got nothing to do, and also I have Art assignment.

Galih     : What a pity, it's okay thought. Then, what task you need to complete in your Art Subject?

Farras    : It's about painting. I was requested to depict my social environment.

Galih     : Oh really? It must be so fun, you know!

Farras    : Fun if you have the ability for, I don't.

Galih     : You're too " low self-esteem". C'mon let me see your creation. I'm so curious!

Farras    : Here it is!

Galih     : Ohh, look at that! It's so divine! I told you, don't underestimate your self!

Farras    : Thank you, I appreciate it! I don't expect that from anybody.

Galih     : No problem, anyway.

Farras    : So your turn! Any story you can share about your weekend?

Galih     : So, first of all, Thank God! I have no task to accomplish, and the second one, I went to        " Dewata Island " How cool is that?

Farras    : Uhm, I put a thousand jealously on you! Bali is so spectacular!

Galih     : Yeah, a lot of tourist, you can see Sun rise and shine, or hunt for food maybe.

Farras    : I think it would be a perfect holiday for me.

Galih     : But, hey! I have another surprise on you! Prepare your self, ok? haha

Farras    : What? Am I going to have a heart attack or something?

Galih     : No, haha. Just this, I have something for you!

Farras    : Ohh, what a rock T-Shirt this is, I really like this simple motive but so attractive . Very kind of you!

Galih     : Well, I'm glad if you love it! And this, I also brought a special signature Bali's gift, Milk Pie!

Farras    : Still have something on me? Ohh, thank you very much. Let me taste this! Uhm, it's so yummy. You do have a knowledge about a good food, haha.

Galih     : Haha, it's okay. By the way, I noticed you have a new pair of shoes, right?

Farras    : Well, is this seems new for you? How can you know that?

Galih     : I don't know, It just looks so clean and fresh. And it's really fit on you, black and white are so match together.

Farras    : Oh, thank you! Ya, I bought this with my mom in the shoes store nearby my house! I aslo love this.

Galih     : I really recognize your taste and I know you have a good sense of something! Take me there sometime, okay?

Farras    : I will. And you, new hairstyle is spread out from you, isn't it?

Galih     : Yeah, I cutted this in the barber shop in Bali, since I feel it's way too long and really disturb me. So, what do you think?

Farras    : Really perfect haircut! You look way much better and like, everything is put on you would be great!

Galih     : Nice to know that. And hey, if i'm not wrong, it's your week to decorate the school " Wall-Magazine" ya?

Farras    : Ya, I also have finished that! Look, beside you! What do you think? I did that with all of my effort.

Galih     : Wow, it's amazing you know! Really colorful and informative. You can see a diverse thing, up here!

Farras    : Yeay! Really excited, because finally my hard work paid off!

Galih     : You deserve to got the credit for it! Succes for you!

Farras    : Thank you. Listen! The bell is ringing already.

Galih     : Ya, so let's go to the class together. I'm so passionate to get learn something new!

Okayyy thank youuu for visit my blog. Byeee !!!!

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015



            Hello my friend!! Now, I have a new friend in my new classroom. And now i will tell you about my friend. Yeahh my friendd is very smart of course =))), and my friend is younger than me OH NOOOO!!!, Her name is Sophia Crestotes Sharon but you can call her Sharon or Sheeran. She was born at Bandung, 2nd of July 2001. and sheis younger than me ohhhh noo:(, she lives at Aeromodeling 3 number 8 Arcamanik Bandung. She is from 5 Junior High School and She is one of ten smartest in her school. I think she is really smart for all. she is very kind and funny.
          Her number is 087724935077 . you can message or call her because she is waiting for now :).or you can email her at crestotesharon@gmail.com or you can look her at her web at crestotesharon.blogspot.com, She hobbys are reading a novel, stargazing, listen a music. She favourites novels are Maze runner, Harry Potter, Divergent etc. I dont know why she very like look at the star but it is a unique hobby I think. She very like Ed Sheeran,maybe her name is same or maybe the song is really good, And she's favourite song is Thnking out Loud .
        She is really happy school at 3 Senior High School because yeahhh My and hers school is one of the best school in Indonesia. I dont know what iwant tell about her again but I think you must be her's friend cause her is really friendly. thank youu..........................

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2015


HELLO GUYS!!!,First of all, I want to introduce my self to you, My name is Muhammad Farras Nuraslam but you can call me Farras. I was born in Bandung,27th  of January 2001. And this year I am 14 years old. I think I am youngest in my classroom but in my classroom that is so many student who born on 2001 WAW it is really amazing for my school. Oh,yeah I’m so sorry I forget to tell you, My school know is 3 Senior High School. And I am very proud to school in there because my school is one of the best school in Indonesia. YEAAHH! I think that is very amazing and that is my dream from I am in Elementary School and now dream is come true.Okay, back to my biograph I have one old sister. Her name is Aurelia Fathin Falihah. She in the 2nd grade of SHS. But every one mostly call me the old brother cause I am taller and bigger than my sister.
Now, I will tell you about my hobby. My hobby’s are listen a music,theatre, and read a comic. I will tell you one story about theatre. I have two idol in theatre. The First one is Charlie Chaplin and the second one is Rowan Atkinson or Mr. Bean. I like Charlie Chaplin because I really like his act. Cause his act is more than perfect and it is so funny . It can make me feel free to laugh to enjoy for his act and onemore thing I like from he is his quote. I remember that quotes and the quote is “The mirror is your best friend”. That quote make me realize that if you are sad if you are happy and If you have many of problem you can take the mirror and you will know why you are sad or anything feels and you can realize this is I am why am I sad , you don’t be sad cause you know who you are,that’s why I like Charlie Chaplin. And if you ask why do you like Mr. bean. I have one word to answer that. Cause him is AMAZING.

After my fav idol,we move to my favourite subject, My favourite subject is Mathematic. Math is one of my moodbooster because that subject is really fun. IT IS FAKE!!!, if you said that is very  hard but if you can handle one question I believe you will try next question cause that can make you are falling in love with hobby or can be yours hobby.. I think that is enough for you to know  who am I but if you interest with my biography you can email me to mfarrasna@gmail.com . Okay Thank youuuu…….